by ChuckS | Jul 26, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting, Press Release, Providers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Joan Whitson, Early Learning Literacy Coordinator, Early Learning Coalition of North Florida, Inc. Email: Phone: 904-342-2267 Image/Caption: Early Learning Coalition of North Florida...
by ChuckS | Jul 16, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting, Press Release, Providers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Joan Whitson, Early Learning Literacy Coordinator, Early Learning Coalition of North Florida, Inc. Email: Phone: 904-342-2267 Image/Caption: Early Learning Coalition volunteer Erika...
by ChuckS | Jul 8, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting, VPK
EARLY LEARNING COALITION OF NORTH FLORIDA, INC. Request for Proposal #ELCNF-22/23-001 School Readiness and Voluntary Prekindergarten Services The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida, Inc. is requesting proposals for School Readiness and Voluntary Prekindergarten...
by ChuckS | Jun 8, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting
Check out the following resources for parents from the Division of Early Learning for the month of June! Click to Access Early Learning Parents’ Pages for June 2021 The Early Learning Coalition is the leading voice in six counties for child care. ELC...
by ChuckS | May 26, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting, Volunteers
Check out the Volunteer Newsletter for May! Click to Access the May 2021 Volunteer Newsletter The Early Learning Coalition is the leading voice in six counties for child care. ELC works with many other local agencies to ensure that all families have access to...
by ChuckS | May 3, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting, Press Release, Providers, VPK
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Teresa Matheny Chief of Programs Episcopal Childrens Services 904-726-1500 Ext. 247 Cell: 904-521-6803 Image/Caption: Brighton Day Care is one of many child care centers that offer...
by ChuckS | Apr 6, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting, Press Release
A “splashing” good time was held on Thursday, March 25, 2021 at the Academy of Rising Stars Preschool in Palatka. The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida’s (ELC) outreach team put on an Ocean themed literacy program which introduces children to the wonders of...
by ChuckS | Mar 19, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting, Press Release
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help teachers, school staff, and child care workers find where to access the COVID-19 vaccine through the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program....
by ChuckS | Mar 10, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting
Check out the following resources for parents from the Division of Early Learning for the month of March! Click to Access Early Learning Parents’ Pages for March 2021 The Early Learning Coalition is the leading voice in six counties for child care. ELC...
by ChuckS | Mar 10, 2021 | Early Learning, Families & Parenting
Check out the following Checklist of 16 Early Signs of Autism. Click here to access the document The Early Learning Coalition is the leading voice in six counties for child care. ELC works with many other local agencies to ensure that all families have access...