Read for the Record

This year on Oct 6, 2011 more than two million voices will call attention to the crisis in early education by creating the largest reading experience in history. Each year a different book is chosen for this event. This year volunteer readers will share the book...

St. Augustine Record Editorial

Look at what the nice folks over at the St. Augustine Record had to say about the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program: Our view: Dolly Parton library program needs new champion Published: July 22, 2011 – 12:00am Early Learning Coalition of St. Johns and...

Activity Corner: Easy Butterfly Craft

Here is an easy spring time craft. Take a nature walk with your child and notice the beautiful butterflies that show up this time of year. Then, talk with your little one about what you saw and create these simple butterflies at home! You will need: Paper coffee...

Sharing Books with Young Children

Sharing Books with Young Children It is never too early to begin instilling the love of reading in children. Even when children are too young to understand the words, it’s important to find ways to share books with babies and toddlers. Babies enjoy hearing songs...